Kahlua Chili Chocolate Spec Ice-Cream (Sous-Vide)

I was at the store and ran across this Kahlua and said dang I can make Ice-Cream from this Liqueur. Since the alcohol percentage is low, I knew it wouldn't be an issue during freezing provided I use the right amount. Based on experience, I knew I could use at least 3-tbsp with a 40% alcohol percentage without any issues. So after testing and tasting, I dialed in on 1/3 cup, which is 5 tbsp.
Place the egg yolk in a bowl with 73 grams of white sugar and using a whisk mix until the ribbon stage.
The procedures are virtually identical to my other Ice-Cream-Creations.
I love my Vitamix, and this has become my SOP for measuring out everything. You can use any mixer you want. Using the tare feature on the scale measure everything starting with the dairy.
I'm going to be very specific, so please pay careful attention. After you add the dairy add this... Vanilla Extract, Vanilla Paste, Kahlua Chili Chocolate Liqueur, Creme de Cacao. Mix until combined.
Now add your the Egg mixture that was whipped to the ribbon stage.
In a separate bowl weigh out all the dry ingredients except the Coffee Beans and the Chipotle Powder. Mix thoroughly.
Now in increments add this to the Vitamix bowl and process until perfectly combined.
Now add the Ice-Cream-Base to the Vac Bag. Toss in Coffee Beans and mix up.
Now we have to turn the Ice-Cream into a mild Chocolate Ice-Cream. And let's not forget the Flec Sauce. This is what I used...
Using a scale with a tare feature measures out the water, sugar, and salt. Yes, I went over by 1 gram with the sugar...Oy. 10 minutes before the base is finished bring the water and sugar to a boil and whisk.
Remove from stove and add the Cocoa Powder and whisk until thoroughly mixed. Set aside.
Strain the base containing coffee beans using a sieve into a bowl. As you can see, I placed the bowl in an ice bath to start the cooldown. Anyhow add the Chocolate Paste and whip with a whisk until combined.
When the Ice-Cream-Base has reached a suitable temperature, place in the refrigerator for at least 6 hours.
This is so freaking easy!!!! Right before you start churning the Ice-Cream make the flec sauce. Break the chocolate into small pieces. Melt the shortening into a saucepan and add chocolate and Chipotle Powder. Mix, and you're done. Place in a cup-like the one you see in the picture.
Ok........remember the Ice-Cream recipe above? Remember the 1/4 tsp of Chipotle Powder? Right before you decide to churn, the Ice-Crean add the Powder and whisk until your heart is content.
Start Churning your Ice-Cream. After about 7-12 minutes start adding the flec sauce. The idea is to add extremely slow. Stop and go, stop, and go. Do this intermittently. The sauce will freeze on contact and will break off into tiny little pieces. The slower you go, the better the outcome.
Can you see the flecs?
All done........set in the freezer for at least 7-9 hours.
Absolutely AMAZING!!!!! You cannot feel or taste the heat until a few bites and swallows. It's in the back of your throat, and it's not hot, just very warm. I can't say enough nice things about this Ice-Cream. This was a Grand-Slam.
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