Sausage/Salume Meat/Fat Ratio Calculations Formula
How do you calculate the Meat Fat Ratio ? It's not as easy as one thinks without the right formula . The first thing one might think is..... Hey, I have 10 lbs of lean meat and want 30% of Fat, so I will multiply 10 X 30% = 3.... is this Correct? Nope, it's not. Let's dive into this a bit further.....So if the total weight of both the Fat and Lean Meat is 13 lbs, and the Fat weighs 3 lbs, I should be able to 3/13, and I should get 30%? Nope, you get 23%. What the hell happened? It's not the correct way to calculate Ratios for Salume or Sausages. So here you go!!! I always use percentages in my recipes, which allows for easy replication. The combined weight of the meat and Fat is always 100%, and all other ingredients are expressed as a percentage of this total weight. This method helps standardize recipes, regardless of the batch size, and all weights are in metric units. How to Calculate Meat Fat Ratio? It is important to accurately measure the lea...