Not your Mama's Matzah
Josephus ’ s Homemade Matzah Original post 4/15/2013 Works of Flavius Josephus Makes Two-Three round Matzah ’ s Josephus Flavius was a famous Jewish historian of the first century at the time of the Second Temple destruction. If Josephus had come across this Matzah recipe, he would have included it in his writings.....WHY? BECAUSE IT'S THAT GOOD!!! In-Addition to the ingredients listed above have some cheesecloth standing by, Olive oil, and some salt. Also as an option, you can use Non-Gluten flour, which I often use for my friends. How to Roast Garlic at the bottom of the page. Optional- Use Schmaltz and Gribenes . Saute your onions in Schmaltz and add your Gribenes at the end. Instead of using Olive oil in the recipe, use Schmaltz for everything. Preheat your oven to 500 degrees. If you have a pizza stone, use it. Alternatively, use some unglazed ceramic tiles. Use a cookie tray...