
Showing posts from December 20, 2015

Candy(Canned) Roasted Garlic

So who loves garlic? The better question might be; who doesn't love garlic. This post was inspired by a Facebook group I belong to called Modernist Schmodernist .  A Facebook  Group friend posted a link: How to Preserve Garlic by Hunter-Angler-Gardener-Cook (Hank Shaw).  After reading his article, I just knew I had to try this. Hank Shaw's recipe is adapted from The Preservation Kitchen by Paul Virant. This book is outstanding for all those interested in food or canning. Preserving food is not my thing but transforming food is certainly in my wheelhouse.  It's tough to describe what happens to garlic when it's Pressured Canned using Paul Virant's scanning technique.  So instead of me plagiarizing someone else descriptive words about canned garlic, I will quote them here.  "Precious few foods undergo a magical transformation when they are preserved," No matter how much I love fresh garlic, i...