Faux Aging- Contrasting Fish Sauce & Salt
This post is not exactly new but just specific to Fish-Sauce/Salt faux aging. And of course, it's been updated too. Here is the link to the original post where I combined Faux Aging with Warm-Aging using 4 steaks as my canvas. A lot of details if you are into that which are in an excel spreadsheet to document the results. That's right you're looking at Fish Sauce/Salt in the pictures. Drum roll, please…. you can use Fish Sauce/Salt to create/simulate a tender piece of meat or more accurately simulate a dry-aged steak with robust beefiness. I first read about it HERE , and as you can tell, there's not much info on the "why." I will try to give you my non-Scientific reason why this works. It's all about the Glutamates (natural MSG), which are savory compounds, and your tongue loves them. They make all cooked protein taste good. Fish sauce, as well as Worcestershire sauce, contain anchovies ...