The Tale of Three Sous-Vide Ribeyes (42.07mm, 66.8mm & 72.9mm) 1
The methodology of Sous-Vide-Cooking is tied to Time & Temperature. This post will be part of a series that includes many proteins and many variables. The final future post will conclude with a single amalgamated post called "Neo & Morpheus explore Sous-Vide-Cooking and Food Safety." This reminds me of the proverb, "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing." Before I begin, I wanted to explain what brought me here... I started playing around with this method of cooking in 2006. When I say playing around, I mean this in the loosest terms because I was clueless. I did not really get going until Doughlas Baldwin published "A Practical Guide to Sous-Vide Cooking" His extraordinary work changed Sous-Vide Cooking forever. His work is the go-to guide for everything Sous-Vide, and I am a huge fan. I was called out a few years ago for a Time and Temp I suggested. It was a recommendation for a T/T to retherm a steak, and a dogmatic per...