Doshers Spicy Kimchi (V1)
When did it all start for me? I've always had an affinity for fermented veggies, and after experimenting with sauerkraut and several other goodies, I had to try my hand at Kimchi . After reading my recipe or techniques, you might be tempted to make suggestions or point out what is not authentic, but let me stop you right there. I've done extensive research on Kimchi, and there is nothing homogeneous about Kimchi in Korean Cuisine. City to city from north to south, everyone has their version, and everybody has what they believe is an authentic version. I'm quoting a friend, and I just love his take on authenticity. "authenticity is an attempt to standardize one own's opinion as fact." Let's talk about the amounts used in the recipe. Is it really a recipe? Not sure I would classify this as a time-tested recipe. I used all the ingredients I thought would make a great Kimchi and eyeballed al...