Curing Notes and some Math
(OP-2016) I wrote this up to help you with some of my recipes. I hope these notes and links expand your knowledge of curing. My recipes are straightforward to follow if you use the info given below. Replicating my recipes is possible because I use percentages for everything. The weight of meat plus fat is 100%, and all ingredients to be added are expressed as a percentage of the weight of the meat plus fat. Percentages can be used to standardize recipes regardless of batch size, and all weights are metric. An online calculator is provided below. No weights are given because the weights of meats vary. Again everything is a percentage of the meat's weight after trimming. Here is an example- Meat weight, 2393 grams, and we want to find out the amount of salt we need in grams- 2393 * 3.5%=83.755 or 2392/100 * 3.5 =83.755 grams. Or 2393 * .035 = 83.755 For most of my recipes, I use .25% cure #1 & #2 for all my curing needs. This equates to 156 ppm of Sodium Nitrite al