
Showing posts from December 15, 2013

Finito Agnello Prosciutto è Sorprendente

"Mary had a little Lamb?  That's right "HAD" is used in past tense. Mary no longer has a Lamb. In fact she is dragging the Lamb to the butcher."  Vegans beware I love meat!!!! "Mary had a little lamb She ate it with mint jelly And everywhere that Mary went The lamb in her belly was sure to go" Finito Agnello Prosciutto è Sorprendente means I finished my Lamb Prosciutto and it's Amazing. The genesis of this Lamb can be found here titled Charcuterie Lamb Prosciutto .   A special thanks to  Jason Molinari of cured meats blog   for sharing his recipe!!!  After 14 days of curing and 75 days of drying the Lamb was done.  It had lost 30.5% of its weight. Original  weight was 2150 grams and its final weight was 1496 grams. Now on to the tasting profile.   First let me say you have  to be a Lamb Lover to like this. The curing process really intensifies the flavor so if you are so s...