Fig & Goat-Cheese Ice-Cream (Sous-Vide)

My dialogue with my daughter on Facebook
Me- "You might remember this, but when you were a baby, you could not drink regular milk, so we had to buy Goal-Milk, and you loved every ounce. It cost 5x more than regular milk and your welcome.
Her- "How does my past love for goat milk correlate with the horrible decision to make goat cheese Ice-Cream? You are out of control with your Ice-Cream sir."
Me- "I remembered the time you threw up on me, and Goat Cheese sounded good & reminiscent of old times."
Her- "You frighten me, I don't even want to ask where the fig came from."
So let's begin..... The idea for the recipe came from my wife indirectly. She was at a baby shower, and they had an appetizer of Goat-Cheese spread with caramelized onions, etc. Also, by daughter nannies for a family that has Goats too. These Goats kind of act like guard goats too when people arrive. Anyhow, I had a vision of Goat-Cheese-Ice-Cream. Wife and kids said..........NO NO. Their emphatic NO sound like the sounds of Goats if you ask me. Anyhow, I added Figs because I love figs. If fresh figs were available, I would have bought them.
The recipe is pretty straight forward.
1- Hydrate with hot water.
2- Drain water
3- Process using a food processor.
4- Sweeten them any way you want.
These are mission figs I purchased. I hydrated the figs with 200f degree water and covered them for a few hours.
I purchased an two 8oz/228g log, not knowing how much I was going to use. You might consider doing the same thing, not knowing how much you might want to use in the Ice-Cream.
The steps in this recipe are no different than my other Ice-Cream-Recipes. And for this recipe, you will need a mixer and if you have a Vita-Mix even better.
I use my Vitamix for all my Ice-Cream recipes, which makes it so easy. I Sous-Vide-Processed everything at 150f at 2 hours.
You can use any mixer you want. Using the tare feature on the scale measure everything starting with the dairy. All in all, my preference is weight to volume when measuring ingredients. Of course, there are exceptions. (Pictures not from this recipe).
I'm going to be very specific, so please pay careful attention. After you add the dairy add the Vanilla Extract, Vanilla Paste, and mix on low for about 10 secs.
In a separate bowl add 3 Egg Yolks to 75 grams of sugar and whip until the Ribbon stage. Add this to the mixer and mix on low for about 10 secs.

In a separate bowl add the Skin-Milk-Powder and 75 grams of sugar, Avacream, salt, and mix until thoroughly combined. Add this to the mixer in thirds and mix incrementally until combined.

Toss in the Fig Jam and process until smooth. I used 300 grams, but I tasted as I went along. Start adding the Goat-Cheese but only add a little at a time. Keep tasting until you are satisfied. I went as high as 114 grams.
To load up the Vac bag with ease, I folded over the ends and placed inside a one-gallon pitcher.
If you have a chamber vac, you can obviously skip this part. Anyhow, using the displacement method Sou-Vide-Process for 2-hours at 150f.
Shock in a large Ice-Bath.
I usually refrigerate the base overnight before churning. Although I have an Ice-Cream-Maker with a Compressor (Cuisinart ICE-100), I still stick everything in the freezer for about 30 minutes. Getting everything ice cold before churning will reduce the proliferation of Ice-Crystals. This includes the dasher, bowl, and container the Ice-Cream will be store in too. The base will be stirred at least twice over the 30 minutes.
In my opinion, this Ice-Cream was absolutely delicious. I kind of wish the figs came through a bit more, but it was still damn good. When tasting along the way, I believed the fig taste hit the mark. After processing the Ice-Cream, the flavor was not as pronounced. Of course, you will need to decide for yourself. I may need to google and see if they make fig extract.
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