BBQ Short-Ribs Deuxième Fois (Sous-Vide)

BBQ Short-Ribs Deuxième Fois

OP 3/2014- How do you describe success? For me, it's doing something over and over again until it's perfect. Only after you make something several times can you honestly say "SUCCESS," and only after careful, honest analysis. Very few people can constructively scrutinize their own food, which is why I am a big fan of giving most of it away. 

The first time I made these ribs, they came out just okay.  

This blog will be short because I am just outlining what I did for these ribs. For more entertainment and a more in-depth understanding of what I am doing, read my previous blog on BBQ Ribs.

The Sous-Vide machine was set at a perfect temp of 149 degrees, so I think. My hope with this temp is the highly anticipated rendering of collagen to gelatin. When I Sous-Vide at 131 degrees for 48 hours, it was good but not great.

Thermal water bath doing its thing. The other pic is the ribs after 48 hours. Ribs will be placed in the refrigerator overnight. 

Refrigerated for 24 hours than ribs individually separated. 

Ribs were spiced up, and BBQ sauce applied.

I placed a giant ice cube into my water reservoir and some ice-cold water to keep BBQ at about 150-180 to generate a lot of smoke. It worked flawlessly. Temp approached 210f a couple of times, but I was able to control the temps with vents.

It begins......I plan on smoking them for about 3 hours or so.

Almost done...
All done. Visually perfect.  Now let see how they taste.


 My final thoughts and review

The ribs were fall off the bone delicious. The collagen rendered down perfectly, but this is somewhat subjective. Maybe just maybe I could have seen a little bit more rendering. There is some wiggle room to improve on what I already did. Some things to consider.

  • If you want to fall off the bone tender, this is a perfect recipe.
  • If you want more collagen rendering increase time to 56-Hours
  • If you like pull off the bone tender, which means you have to cut it off or bite it off, then you need to tweak the recipe. Maybe shoot for 36-hrs instead of the whole 48-hrs. Note: less time render less fat. 
Some things to consider doing if you want to pull off the bone tender.

  • Increase the temp of a thermal bath to 155-159 but decrease time down to about 30-36 hours. At this temp, the collagen will render down of course.
  • Keep temp at 149 but of course, Sous-Vide 60-72 hours so more collagen will render.
A must-do!!!
  • Apply dry rub 24 hours in advance

I will have to do this several more times to figure out what I like best. It's a hard life, but someone has to do it. 


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