Prime Rib Roast Reconstructed #2 (Meat-glue 2014)

(OP-2014) The genesis of this is a project started here.....Striving to do better, this is my second attempt at the "Prime-Rib Reconstructed." I knew I had it in me to do a better job. You can describe me as somewhat of a perfectionist. While making this fanciful foodie masterpiece, I was still making improvements. These afterthoughts can be found at the end of the final thoughts post. 

What can I say? I am always on the quest for bigger and better. 

Now don't get me wrong, my first attempt came out pretty darn good, but there is always room for improvement. With this post, I will not go into all the nitty-gritty but give you a little insight with pretty pictures of what has changed. What's up with the image of the steer? That's full-on mighty Black Angus Beef!!! Yea, it makes my mouth water too. Yup, that's where our food comes from, and I am proud to say I eat beef.
Started out with another Rib-Roast, only slightly smaller. There were bigger ones, but they did not meet my criteria. 
Just breaking it down, separating the muscles, and removing the undesirables. Thick fat and silver skin and I will reserve the thick fat and residual meat for salamis and sausages.
Muscles separated. Now on to the trimming.
Mostly trimmed. I need to work on removing the silver skin a bit more.

Prepping Herbs. Parsley, Rosemary, and Thyme.
Sprinkling on the Transglutaminase.
Salted (Dry-Brine) and ready to be rolled.
Rolling up herbs inside the plastic wrap.
Piercing to remove air bubbles.
Tied up and ready for a Vacuumed seal.
Vacuumed Sealed and Sous-Vide for 16 hours at 128 degrees.
All cooked and ready for the smoke.
 While the meat was enjoyed at 90-minute smoke at 200 degrees, I got the charcoal ready for the Blazing.

I blasted the roast using a charcoal chimney starter to create that much loved browned aka Maillard reaction surface. 

Final Thoughts

It came out great!!! 60 minutes of smoking would have sufficed. I should have used Crushed peppercorns in the plastic wrap. 

Let's not forget the bones...



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