Keto Buffalo Balls
Why make Keto Buffalo Balls? First, let's answer the proverbial question... what the hell is Keto. Keto is is a way of saying I am on a Keto diet. A Keto diet which is well known for being a low carb, where the body produces ketones in the liver to be used as energy. It's referred to by many different names.
Remember the Atkins diet in the '90s. Oh, yea I did this diet, and I was very successful. I lost a ton of weight, became healthy, Cholesterol was cut in half, blood pressure normal, triglycerides normal (Doctor was floored) and all blood tests were abnormally great. It took me three weeks to get into a Ketosis state, and it was extremely hard to maintain. What floored the Doctor was I was eating a lot of meat and fat but damn it I had to cut carbs below 20 grams to stay in Ketosis. Once you go out of Ketosis, it was hard to get back in.
As you may remember the '90s was a time when fat was the bad for you. The FAT-FREE BOOM is what made Americans fat and unhealthy. I won't go into a lot of details because this is a food blog and not a blog about the Ketogenic diet. Suffice it to say the Atkins diet was hard to maintain, so I stopped. Along comes the Paleo diet. Love this diet. All my problems went away. Weight loss, inflammation is gone, blood work came back normal. It's a grand slam. Ahhh.... but a Ketogenic diet is still the best option to lose weight and feel amazing.
Now on to the Keto Buffalo Balls. I wanted to make a low carb Chicken, a high-fat fried ball that was reminiscent of Buffalo Hot wings but has all ingredients in one neat package shaped like a ball. Here is what I did...
Note: The base mixture can be used to make a variety of Keto Balls. Just don't add Blue cheese. Add other ingredients such as curry, Chinese five spice, ginger, sesame oil, etc. etc. Go crazy and make different buffalo balls.
Add some mayonnaise until you get a smooth consistency. Add a large handful of chopped cilantro. Add salt, pepper, onion powder, garlic powder to your liking.
Use a little Almond flour, an egg to bind everything together. Fry off a little ball and give it a taste and adjust ingredients if need be.
Using a scooper to make balls. Coat them with more almond flour.
Fry at 350˚ƒ for 5-7 minutes depending on the size of balls. Experiment and see what works.
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